The Jesuits Brag That Francis Will DESTROY Humanae Vitae

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Official endorsement of contraception is coming from Rome. Will abortion be part of that?




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4 thoughts on “The Jesuits Brag That Francis Will DESTROY Humanae Vitae

  1. Sorry, Anthony et al, I can’t stop “ranting” against this latest coming at us
    from Pope Francis . . replacing Chastity, Modesty, and ALL the virtues
    with Hell’s filthy alternatives: worship of Pleasure and all those sins against
    the 6th and 9th Commandments.

    Humanae Viae cancelled? Consecration to St. Joseph by (just to pick only
    ONE from the archive prayers of the great Saints) St. Bernadine of Siena 
    —”Dear St. Joseph . . take charge of my Salvation; watch over me day and
    night; preserve me from THE OCCASIONS OF SIN; obtain for me PURITY
    OF BODY . . a pure and tender love for Mary, MY MOTHER my Mother,
    protect and guard in me . . . ” — CANCELLED ?!

    Am glad I don’t have to do “Frankie”s laundry!

    Meanwhile, St. Gabrielle Possenti’s Marian wisdom remains my other Rock
    ( . . the Chair of St. Peter —not the one sitting in it — being the first). Gabe
    was an ex-Italian Army guy, who was also a crack shot with a pistol. One
    time he arrested a band of ruffians in town. Using their appropriated
    pistol, to “establish confidence”, fearless Private Gabe picked off a little
    lizard scampering across the dirt street . . from about 50 paces away.

    As a Passionist, he said the following about Our Lady:

    “Love Mary! She is loveable, faithful, constant. She will never let herself
    be outdone in love. She does not look to see what kind of person you
    LOVE HER.” — St.Gabriel Possenti, 1838 – 1862.

    . . which gives even the WORST of the worst a glimmer of HOPE!

  2. Francis, who has excommunicated himself because he is a public heretic, has no power to change anything regarding Church teaching. He is outside the Church and unless he makes public confessional reparation for his many serious sins, he is anathema, meaning: He is Cursed! Any Catholic who follows this man would, then, be considered an accomplice to these injustices and would also have to make confessional reparation. The sacred teachings of the Church which were handed down from God to the apostles and for us, The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, are forever enshrined within the Holy Magisterium of the Church and CANNOT BE CHANGED BY ANYONE REGARDLESS OF THEIR POSITION and anyone brazen enough to do so will be held accountable by God.

    1. So well-summed-up, A.T. . I hope and pray that, by God’s prevenient Grace,
      many —yes, MANY! —“heroic hermits”, who live for nothing but to do
      Reparation for ITS unimaginable Sins . . and for our own. When reading
      In The Shadow Of His Wings, by Gereron Goldmann | Mar 1 2000, one finds
      exactly ONE such hermit, a Religious Sister, (in Japan?) during WW II.

      TODAY, the plight of we Leaderless Faithful is no less precarious; only (seemingly)
      different, because no guns, planes, ’n bombs.

      So, we “baby” hermits can begin by doing “baby” reparations for Sins
      Of the Hierarchy and for the “crimes of the World” [ Catechism of the Catholic
      Church, #1380, Pope St. John Paul II ] . . as well as our own sins, in the “cave”
      of our own home, or, if possible, before the Blessed Sacrament.

      1. POSTSCRIPT: “The Creator of the universe awaits the prayer of one poor little person to save a multitude of others, redeemed like her at the price of His Blood.”
        –St. Therese of Lisieux


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