Vatican 2 Saved The Church According To Those Wrecking It

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Saved the Church from what precisely?




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One thought on “Vatican 2 Saved The Church According To Those Wrecking It

  1. An excellent commentary by Bishop Athanasius Schneider. I do see some additional issues that were not addressed: 1) The laity are confused because there exists the unresolved issue of Benedict Vi’s new title of pope emeritus which, to my knowledge, is a made up title and in addition he is kept a virtual prisoner in the Vatican. 2) Even Francis does not refer to himself as “Pope Francis” but rather as the Bishop of Rome. 3) Therefore we do not have a visible See in my opinion. 4) Even Christ deferred to His heavenly Father in all things and was not acting w/o prayer/fasting, etc. Rather He was obedient to His Father’s authority as in the case of Jesus leaving His mother and father and going to the temple in Jerusalem w/o telling them. He told Our Lady when she asked Him, Why did you not tell us? His response was, Did you not know I must do the will of my Father in heaven? I don’t think the laity know w/certainty why all of this occurred when Francis became the Vicar of Christ. His background, which is rarely spoken of by any prelate, leaves much to be desired and in my opinion should have been considered before he was even made a possible “papabile”. Too many unaddressed and unresolved issues need to be addressed and resolved before going to the next step. In my opinion these and other issues must be addressed openly and clearly so the laity will understand what is really going on. Truth is the key even if it means divulging information that is and has been kept “off limits” for a very long time.


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