Priest Places Demonic Nativity Set In Church, And Canceled Bishop Speaks Out Against Francis’ Decree

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Nothing says ‘Merry Christmas’ quite like depicting Our Lady of being guilty of the sin of Sodom, right?

Canceled Bishop




Demonic Nativity



© 2023, Anthony Stine. All rights reserved. You may reuse or copy this post by giving credit and providing a link.

4 thoughts on “Priest Places Demonic Nativity Set In Church, And Canceled Bishop Speaks Out Against Francis’ Decree

  1. Most Loved Anthony,

    It is “apostasy”, BUT its origin is from the spiritual realm where the demonic spirits are alive in action ( both conscious and unconcious- alive action on rational and irrational memories ). It is deception of the rational mind in formation that facilitates a “reality” of confusion and distractions . In human action the consequence is destruction. It is a dark attack ( the “fiery darts” spoken about by St.Paul ) that affect to undermine God’s Word and cause division within His Church and all people. In practice, for all to observe, there is a manifestation in “modernistic” terms; consequences which become revealed in reality as flowing from an origin
    “DEI” ( diversity , equity , and inclusion ).
    This phenomena is active throughout “culture” ( religious and non-religious ) .
    In a “word” it is secular . It advances the gods of the world . It denies God, Jesus, Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness . It accepts sin in its “natural” to be acceptable ( normalized ) because it denies the supernatural – it denies God Creator , the giver of all law, natural and moral .

    Solution, as you have readily pointed to repetitively , is to remain with His Church and grounded in the Catechism. The gates of hell, as Jesus spoke, will never prevail in spiritual warfare against His Church . This Christmas , it’s The Celebration to be known, Emanuel , as alive and active. Jesus incarnate in The Eucharist and in each of us. His Spirit invited within is greater than “he” who is in the world .

    God wins !!! and has from all eternity “won”. We win, because by faith we believe !!!

    By His Holy Cross He has saved the world ( John 3:16 ) .

    Blessings on St.Stephen’s day ,

    Raphael ( aka Dr.Scott )

  2. Bishop Chapus is merely “inverting” Francis’ habit
    of launching his erroneous and ambiguous documents
    on feast days of Our Lady, is he not ? . . except, the
    good Bishop releases his correction of Francis just
    before a major Church Feast, so’s viewers/ readers
    can still have time to breathe the fresh air of —and
    anti-dote to —that Feast day itself.

    1. @7:57 ” . . at time along unexplored paths and new roads”

      There you go AGAIN, Frankie ! You forgot to qualify these
      ways as “VERBOTEN”, “FORBIDDEN” by the Church.

      . . craftily and maliciously sneaking in MOULD where
      most of the bread looks healthy.


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