Actual Good News From The US Bishops

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Plus: Vigano and other Catholic leaders expose Francis’ papacy ‘reform’ for the apostasy that it is.





US Bishops




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One thought on “Actual Good News From The US Bishops

  1. Most Loved Anthony ,

    I thought , as a good news story , I might be able to get a smile out of you ?

    Seems I recall you mentioning once that Austen Ivereigh demonstrated some childish behavior towards you by blocking you on X ? Not that it matters, but it does seem to suggest his leanings are more of an NCR orientation as might embrace the writings of Michael Sean Winters ; Austen a few days ago, was quick to pick up and comment upon NCR’s book review of True Confessions; Voices of Faith from a Life in the Church. By a post, which Austen then made on X , he seems to have been parroted the criticisms made by Mr.Winters quite well – an expression of disdain for anonymous contributors.

    I couldn’t help myself at the time . I chimed in and provided a somewhat sharp comment in response
    For now , I presume not overly sharp , as last I knew I am not yet blocked ?

    Anyway, below you will find the exchange by means of photo shot – I now, in self reflection, think it somewhat humerous that I gave a critique in keeping with your spicy commentary .

    Have a blessed day & God Bless , Scott

    Austen Ivereigh @austeni|

    Only in the USA do conservative bishops line up under the cloak of anonymity to bitch about the pope in a book. It’s cowardly, undermines communion, poisons trust, and undermines their claim to be church leaders.

    2:01 PM • 6/10/24 From Earth – 30K Views
    44 Reposts 16 Quotes 242 Likes 18 Bookmarks

    Scott Forrer @ScottForrerMD • 6d
    Austen,it’s life in Real Linda,or anywhere in world where anyone has a boss.Culture demands annnonimity for free expression.In USA enshrined in Constitution and 1 st Ammendment. Speach only becomes anonymous when there is fear of retaliation.Leaders. not court iesters.


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