New Wave Of Latin Mass Bans Unleashed With Bishops Threatened By Rome

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The method for making your diocesan TLM AND Your ‘reverent’ Novus Ordo disappear is being laid out by Rome.




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6 thoughts on “New Wave Of Latin Mass Bans Unleashed With Bishops Threatened By Rome

  1. Should be of no surprise to anyone who has followed his “leadership” the last nine years.
    It became obvious back in 2017, when Holy Bergoli honoured heretic priest Martin Luther and the 500th anniversary of The Deformation with a Vatican stamp and many other praises…INSTEAD of honouring Our Lady and the 100th Anniversary of her apparitions at Fatima!

    The first goal of Jorge “the heretic” Bergayglio and his cabal is the “protestantization” of the Catholic Church leading up to the establishment of a worldwide false religion which will usher in and worship the Antichrist.

    1. MR. TRUMARK’s closing sentence is definitely an
      echo of what Fr. Stefano Gobbi relates in the Blue
      Book: “The black beast like a leopard indicates
      Freemasonry; the beast with two horns like a lamb
      indicates Freemasonry infiltrated into the interior of
      the Church, that is to say, ecclesiastical Masonry,
      which has spread especially among the MEMBERS
      OF THE HIERARCHY. This Masonic infiltration, in
      the interior of the Church, was already foretold to you
      by me at Fatima, when I announced .. that Satan
      would enter in even to the SUMMIT OF THE

      “If the task of Freemasonry is to bring souls to
      perdition, bringing them to the worship of false
      divinities, the TASK OF ECCLESIASTICAL
      MASONRY on the other hand is that of destroying
      Christ and His Church, of building a new idol, namely
      —To The Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons, June 13,
      1989, #406g, “The Beast Like A Lamb”.

  2. The ecclesial organization of Rome is dead and they use canon law to strangle the Faith and the faithful. They are apostates and should be treated with complete contempt and and kept out from any real aCatholic community.

  3. Acknowledging Mr. Terranova’s much needed and excellent

    At first embarrassing blush, one word floats about Cardinal
    McElroy’s “theology” of God’s grace and mercy:
    P R E S U M P T I O N ! He’s presuming on God’s forgiveness
    of sins confessed, forgiven, and atoned for. In his “theology”
    of God’s —NOT MAN’S —grace and mercy, there is NO
    REAL SIN [ Original, actual, personal ] . Rather sin is
    absorbed into the GROUP. Individual Sacramental Confession
    is tossed on the scrap heap of ALL heresies, certainly of
    Modernism. Modernist McElroy leaves the faithful NEVER
    forgiven and justified, but COMFORTABLE and cushy
    within the GROUP of those “WIDE ROAD”, mis-directed
    travellers, who were also PRE-warned about not seeking
    “the NARROW way” which FEW find and follow.

    1. CORRECTION: ” . . he’s presuming on God’s forgiveness
      of sins NOT confessed . . etc. “. ” Rather sin is “scape-goated”
      OUT of community. Individual Sacramental Confession is
      tossed —as in all heretical moves —on the scrap heap.
      Modernist Bishop McElroy ABANDONS the Faithful, because
      kept at arms-length from Sacramental INDIVIDUAL Confession
      and the Priest’s SURE and UNERRING absolution from sins
      committed, atoned for and amended. Rather the poor
      erring guy trades the CHURCH’S precious Divine Mercy
      for the FALSE security, the FALSE hope, the ILLUSORY
      comfort of the GROUP . . that “wide road” warned about
      in the Gospels . . yet taken by MANY!

  4. None of this should shock any Catholic who has been and is following the present situation in the Church. Before his death, Benedict Xvi stated that most of the bishops are committing apostasy. In addition no Catholic priest, bishop, etc. is bound by Canon Law to observe any of these unlawful draconian censures and therefore must adhere to the preV2 codified laws of the Church regarding its canons which do not expire and therefore must be followed in order to actually be Catholic. The fact that Francis is now the Pope does not exclude him from following these truths. He is not God and certainly is not the creator of a “new magisterium” or any other “new” religion that is anathema to the one and only Creator.


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