Cardinal Marx Retires: What Is Really Going On?

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I was surprised at how many Catholics took this at face value because there’s frankly some details about this that have been overlooked by most people.




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3 thoughts on “Cardinal Marx Retires: What Is Really Going On?

  1. Kamloops Residential School in Alberta Canada. 215 bodies of children found 2 weeks ago. There’s a long history of complaints regarding the Federally owned, Catholic run, Residential Schools and more all through out Canada. Relatives of the different tribes have been asking since the closures of these schools for the Catholic Church to return all the schools files. And for an apology from the Pope. It should come from Vatican and Crown. Theres plenty of testimony from victims who survived of rapes, brutality, and witnesses to child murders. These schools were created by the Crown to remove the indian, no matter what. The children were permanently separated from their families. Francis thought his apology to the victims of sex abuse was enough and refuses to do anymore. There are over 130 schools. Bodies have been found at some of them, but not allowed removal or and more digging. Like the Tuam case in Ireland. All of this reminds me of everything of Franklin Files Scandal with Boystown, and the recent digs of Dozier with the body count continuing. With the on record complaints already on Pope Francis in Argentina with the 500 people in a torture area, the child trafficking , the murders of fellow priests, and Argentinas 30k Forced Disappearance. F Francis is named directly in alot of this. Prior to Francis is Ratzinger and his raised a Hitler Youth. Francis wasn’t elected, but selected. The Vatican 2 brought more than just intentional destruction. It was the alignment of Vatican with Rothschilds. Hence, why Francis now holds mass in Jeruselum. Its on Shalom TV. The Zionists were a group of wealthy elite Jewish in the U.S. who with Vatican and Crown, wanted to make Isreal the Capital of the U.N, another Knights of Malta creation with Rothschilds and Rockefellars. Anthony, I’m Catholic. I live in a city where our Archbidhop, Gustavo, was Jesuit trained from Chicago and placed here by Francis. I asked my Church for help. I asked to help protect me and my daughter in 09. Because I wasn’t an immigrant, they refused. So, i haven’t had a home or seen my daughter since. All the Catholic Church here have been shut down. Faith has been waning. Its bizarre. It angers me so that you guys believe your supposed to stick by the Pope no matter what. Most churches are in union with the Vatican in some sort of religious agreement. The Pope and Crown have long held this ambition to globalize and put all under a Marxist government. I’d say the Church hss overdone its hand in manipulating of government. Even Jeffery Epsteins N.Y. apartment, sat dead center of all Vatican owned real estate. Every apartment next to him, and behind him. Was Vatican. Now we have more than half our government, who are SMOM.
    The native Canadian Indian children were murdered. 70 percent were murdered. Its sad. Look at our world. Fauci works for Francis. I dont have my Church any more. Especially when i need it most. I have my prayers. I pray for a cleansing of them all.
    Those children, youngest 3 so far, never, should be denied their families rights to records and removal.

    1. Thanks for the information psyops. Exposing the dirty laundry is important if the Church is to be cleansed by its own admission. God will deal with it in His own way.

  2. Yes, just more Kabuki theater seen daily in the Vatican and imitated elsewhere in the Church. By now this window dressing can be seen just another dance of the devil by orthodox Catholics while the average Catholic is unaware or couldn’t care less.


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