Vigano: Francis Bergoglio Is Doing The Work Of Anti-Christ

Vigano responds to Francis’ latest attack on the Traditional Mass. As promised, here is the full text (below the YouTube and Spotify links): YouTube: Spotify: Text: In an editorial titled “Cancel Culture: The Eternal Gnostic Dream of Starting Over from Zero,” that appeared on June 30, 2022, in the Bulletin of Social Doctrine of the Church ofContinue reading “Vigano: Francis Bergoglio Is Doing The Work Of Anti-Christ”

The Vatican Is Unveiling The New Religion

If you haven’t seen the art for the coming Jubilee year that was designed by a James-Martin-esque masseuse, you’re in for something not terribly surprising. YouTube: Spotify: Sources:

Courageous Priest Refuses To Be Silenced By Rome For Opposing Francis’ Errors

Fr Jesus Mary M is an Opus Dei priest canceled for speaking the truth. YouTube: Spotify: Sources:

Catholic Leaders React To And Correct Francis’ New Latin Mass Document

Yesterday, on the Feast of Sts Peter and Paul (and the alleged anniversary of the enthronement of Lucifer in the Vatican if Malachi Martin’s allegations are correct), Francis issued a meandering document on the Latin Mass that does make a not terribly subtle demand of the bishops. YouTube: Spotify: Breaking News On The Document YouTube:Continue reading “Catholic Leaders React To And Correct Francis’ New Latin Mass Document”

Two Respected Bishops Issue Critical Warning To The Church

Don’t adopt the modern values of the secular world. Youtube: Spotify: Sources: Muller Schneider

Synod Declares: The New Mass Is Officially Too Rigid

Plus, American priests are turning against Trads and taking Francis’ anti-trad bait. YouTube: Spotify: Sources:
